
Diablo 2 necromancer summoner build normal
Diablo 2 necromancer summoner build normal

The cool thing with D2R is that once you can clear Hell Act bosses and gather the reagents, you can craft respec tokens to experiment a bit. Some people like to put more points into Revive and Skeletal Mage to get more bodies. Some people like to max their Clay Golem to make it more than a a one-point slow debuffer.

diablo 2 necromancer summoner build normal

Some people like to max Amplify Damage or Dim Vision to debuff or daze the whole screen at once. … the rest of the build is really up to preference.grab one point into Amplify Damage, Decrepify, maybe Dim Vision for crowd control, maybe Lower Resist for team play, and their requirements like Life Tap or Iron Maiden.max Raise Skeleton, Skeleton Mastery and Corpse Explosion (for the radius).MrLlamaSC from the second video seems to be the closest this community has to a full on D2 Scholar. Grab Popcorn…you need to do something while your skellys kill.

diablo 2 necromancer summoner build normal

Get more + to skills, I think you have 4, try to double that if you can. The good news is if you get Infinity for your merc, they will do only 1/2 the damage of the skellys!Īddressing the other questions about hell: You can Max Mages they do about 1/3rd the damage of skellys at their best…usually about 1/5 at bad levels. Mix of the above - usually split pts between Golem and CE. Max out Clay Golem - he slows things down Archers no longer attack, Gloams go sleep sleep. Max out Dim Vision - Usually a HC option, Dim makes everything stop doing what they are doing.

diablo 2 necromancer summoner build normal

Max out CE - the radius gets really massive If you are single player Amp and Decrep is all you need. I ran around with some trappers and sorcs this morning and just spammed LR. If you are on B-Net get every curse, it helps when running with others if you can help out. Once you have maxed skellys and mastery you can:

Diablo 2 necromancer summoner build normal