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“As the Inspector General concluded, actions taken ‘were appropriate, supported by requirements, consistent with the DOD’s roles and responsibilities for DSCA, and compliant with laws, regulations, and other applicable guidance,” Brady added. Piatt have been open, honest and thorough in their sworn testimony with Congress and DOD investigators.”

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Army spokesperson Mike Brady said in a statement that the service’s “actions on January 6th have been well-documented and reported on, and Gen. Army Pacific, and Piatt didn’t respond to messages. They tried to smear a good man and to erase history.”įlynn, now the commanding general of the U.S. Then they lied about it and tried to cover it up. “However, occasionally some of our Army leaders have failed us and they did so on January 6th. “Our Army has never failed us and did not do so on January 6, 2021,” he said.

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Reached for comment, Matthews said the memo he wrote is entirely accurate. The House select committee has probed the attack for months, and earlier this year top officials testified before the House oversight panel. The new memo from Matthews, who now serves in the Army reserves, emerges as officials involved in the response that day try to explain their decision-making to investigators. 6 committee spokesperson declined to comment. Guard, said the report speaks for itself and that he had nothing further to add. Reached for comment on Matthews’ memo, Walker, the former head of the D.C. Walker told the Post he objected to specific allegations by the Pentagon watchdog that Matthews’ memo also criticizes, calling the inspector general’s report “inaccurate” and “sloppy work.” 6, as first reported by The Washington Post. The memo follows Walker’s own public call for the inspector general to retract its detailed report on the events of Jan. 6 that the Pentagon inspector general’s November report on Army leadership’s response to the attack was “replete with factual inaccuracies” and that the Army has created its own closely held revisionist document about the Capitol riot that’s “worthy of the best Stalinist or North Korea propagandist.” Matthews’ memo levels major accusations: that Flynn and Piatt lied to Congress about their response to pleas for the D.C.

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